40 Different Disciplines?

When I looked back, I originally estimated that I had done in-depth studies in about 40 different disciplines. I thought that it might be a good idea to fact check this. The following list is an attempt to list the disciplines I have studied.

So far, I have come up with over 100 different subjects. Not every subject I list can be classed separately as a “discipline,” but each of these has been studied in depth. I also think I am probably missing a few subjects. I have lost track of may of the things I studied.

As I look at this, I have to wonder when I ever had time to study all these subjects. First of all, I am 68 and I have had many years to work on this. The second reason is that I have spent hours a day reading, researching, doing analyses, thinking, etc. I have over 11,000 article citations and 2,000 book citations. I have been reading almost constantly. As I studied these disciplines, I collected links and put the links into Mind Maps in a mind mapping program called Freemind.

The process of mind mapping allowed me to learn these disciplines more efficiently. I could organize the literature by subject and also by date. When looking by subject, I could break the material down by sub-subject, and dive deeply into the areas I was interested in. I used the date ordered links to follow the progression of ideas from beginning to end.


  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  3. Mathematics
  4. Algebra
  5. Calculus
  6. History
  7. Chaos Theory
  8. Nonlinear Dynamics
  9. Complex Systems
  10. Complex Adaptive Systems
  11. Self-organization
  12. Emergence
  13. Game Theory
  14. Population dynamics
  15. Longitudinal Data Analysis
  16. Probability
  17. Probability Density Functions
  18. Cumulative Distribution Functions
  19. Statistics
  20. Philosophy
  21. Philosophy of Science
  22. Diffusion of Innovations
  23. Scientific Progress
  24. Paradigm shifts
  25. Scientific Method
  26. Research Methods
  27. Psychology
  28. Developmental psychology
  29. Life Course Research
  30. Ageing
  31. Intra-Individual Variability
  32. Differential psychology
  33. Emotion
  34. Antisocial Personality Disorder
  35. Psychopathy
  36. Counseling
  37. Family Systems Counseling
  38. Cognitive behavioral therapy
  39. Self-help
  40. Psychometrics
  41. Classical Test Theory
  42. Item response theory
  43. Survey Methodology
  44. Human Intelligence
  45. Wisdom
  46. Genius
  47. Education Science
  48. Learning Theory
  49. Mind Maps
  50. Decision Making
  51. Biology
  52. Developmental Biology
  53. Human biology
  54. Development of the Human Body
  55. Neuroscience
  56. Neuropsychology
  57. Memory
  58. Microbiology
  59. Genetics
  60. Epigenetics
  61. Evolutionary biology
  62. Nature vs Nurture
  63. Sociology
  64. Social Psychology
  65. Cooperation
  66. Criminology
  67. Criminal Justice
  68. Law
  69. Privacy Law
  70. Lawyer
  71. Information Technology
  72. Computer Science
  73. Computer Security
  74. Computer Hardware
  75. Computer Networks
  76. Operating Systems
  77. Relational databases
  78. Query Languages
  79. Data Engineering
  80. Computer Programming
  81. Data Science
  82. Big Data
  83. Artificial Intelligence
  84. Machine Learning
  85. Management
  86. Business Analysis
  87. Accounting
  88. Marketing
  89. Web Design
  90. Graphic Arts
  91. Customer Service
  92. Health Systems
  93. Health Care
  94. Social determinants of health
  95. Nutrition
  96. Writing
  97. Religion
  98. The Bible
  99. Bhagavad Gita
  100. Buddhism
  101. Taoist philosophy
  102. Zen
  103. Tai Chi
  104. Carpentry
  105. Plumbing
  106. Home Wiring
  107. Architectural Engineering
  108. Bricklayer
  109. Wood Flooring
  110. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning