Living systems are “complex adaptive systems.” Complex in the sense that there are infinite numbers of possible interactions occurring within living organisms and between living organisms and the environment. Adaptive in the sense that living systems are constantly changing to adapt to the both internal changes and changes in the environment. Systems in the sense that there are multiple dynamic processes interacting with each other and the environment to keep living organisms alive and reproducing. The process that makes this all possible is something called “high dimensional chaos.
You probably have not heard of the term “high dimensional chaos” before. It is more likely that you have heard the term “chaos” and instinctively understand when things are “chaotic.” Typically, we think of chaos as being associated with “out of control.” High dimensional chaos is actually more of a control mechanism that keeps thing working while simultaneously permitting rapid change when needed.
Because high dimensional chaos is present in many forms in any living system, it will be easy to study, once people understand that we should be studying it. For example, my daily weight is driven by high dimensional chaos. Here is a copy of my daily weight log plotted over several years to illustrate what I am talking about. Notice the fluctuation. Lots of short term fluctuation but little long term change. There is a 45 pound range of weights but only a 5 pound net drop.

Many people can probably relate to my efforts to lose weight. I had periods where I achieved temporary weight losses, followed by periods of temporary weight gains. This is a prime example of high dimensional chaos. I experienced rapid gains and losses in the short term, but experienced relative stability in the long term.
Note that the high level of weight loss after day 2400 was partly due to getting diabetes. I lost about 20 pounds in two months, even though my diet and exercise levels had not changed. I was sick and this was a symptom. With changes to a low carbohydrate diet at about day 2800, I have been able to control my weight a little better. But still seeing fluctuation.
High dimensional chaos is present in all processes governing living systems. Whether one is looking at how genes reproduce to how we learn a new skill, high dimensional chaos is present. Once we understand the essential characteristics of high dimensional chaos, it is possible to develop better models of living systems.
Failure to understand high dimensional chaos is at the heart of numerous failures in attempts to create changes in both personal and societal domains. You need to understand how change occurs if you want to create change. How can you change something that is always changing? That is the essential question.